Weight Loss Made Easy

Control your appetite, burn calories and fat, and experience improved energy levels with the help of Lush Rx's convenient and comprehensive semaglutide monthly treatment plans. Semaglutide is an innovative medication that stimulates the production of insulin, suppressing appetite to help in the management of diabetes and assist with weight loss endeavors. Lush offers 3 individually tailored treatment plans that are sure to suit the needs and lifestyle of each patient. Begin your health journey today by contacting us to schedule a virtual consultation, or visit us at our Bellaire, TX office for one-on-one treatment.


Reduce Sugar Cravings


Stimulate Weight-Loss


Burn Fat


Suppress Appetite


Reduce Sugar Cravings | Stimulate Weight-Loss | Burn Fat | Suppress Appetite |


  • Blood work is required to begin any of the three semaglutide treatment programs offered by Lush Rx. Blood work has a $100 one-time charge. Relevant blood work from within the last 3 months can be used for no additional fee.

  • Are you looking for a semaglutide injection without the hassle of needles and multiple appointments? Look no further! Lush Rx in Bellaire, TX now offers an oral semaglutide option! This once-daily treatment consists of dissolving your medication on the side of your cheek/mouth and has been proven to significantly reduce common side effects, such as nausea and stomach pain, experienced with injections.

    Oral semaglutide treatment is $399 per month and includes a monthly office visit, body scan, lab work evaluation, and your medication. Additionally, you also receive a B12 fat burner with your treatment that can be delivered directly to your doorstep!

  • Take control of your weight-loss journey with Lush Rx's at-home semaglutide treatment! After a virtual or in-person consultation, you can pick up the necessary medication and supplies from our office in Bellaire, TX, or have them shipped to your home! To ensure you're getting the best care possible and to have your questions answered, we recommend visiting our office for any and all of your medication needs.

    The cost for semaglutide self-injections is $399 per month, and a B-12 fat burner medication can be purchased with this treatment plan as a separate weekly injection for an additional $100 per month.

  • Trust the professionals to administer your semaglutide injections and enjoy specialized, one-on-one guidance throughout your weight-loss transformation with our weekly in-office injections. For $499 a month, we'll provide a comprehensive medical examination, an Inbody diagnostics scan, a review and analysis of your bloodwork, and weekly injections administered on location by our providers. We'll even check up on your progress each week. If you'd like, you can add on an extra B-12 Fat Burner injection for an additional $100 a month.

*Disclaimer: LUSH RX only uses FDA-approved compounded medication.


  • Semaglutide is a treatment that works by imitating the action of the hormone GLP-1. This hormone helps to stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin while at the same time decreasing the production of glucose by the liver. Through this mechanism, semaglutide can cause a feeling of fullness, reduce hunger, and decrease food intake. As a result, the body begins to burn fat reserves for energy, which is beneficial for weight loss efforts.

  • Some benefits of semaglutide treatments include:

    • Decreases appetite

    • Helps improve overall health markers, such as reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels

    • Helps improve the overall health of people with type 2 diabetes

    • Can help create sustainable healthy habits, leading to a healthier lifestyle and long-term weight loss.

  • Semaglutide is generally considered safe for most individuals, however, it is most beneficial for those with a BMI of 27kg/m2 or higher, or for those experiencing weight-related issues such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure.

  • Everyone will experience treatment differently, but many clients report results after 12 weeks of consistent semaglutide treatments.

  • Semaglutide should be used in conjunction with an improved diet and daily exercise program to create sustained, long-term weight loss, even when treatment is discontinued. Otherwise, without making lifestyle or dietary changes, weight gain and other diabetes-related complications may occur once semaglutide treatments have ceased.

    Lush RX is with you every step of the way! Make sure you discuss your health goals with your medical provider to create a treatment plan that works for your lifestyle.

Are you ready to start your weight loss journey? At our consultation, we'll go over your objectives and identify which semaglutide treatment plan is most suitable for your lifestyle. Our clinical team is comprised of highly-skilled weight-loss experts and we are prepared to help Houston, TX and Bellaire, TX patients achieve their weight-loss goals with Semaglutide.

Is Semaglutide
right for me?