Kybella double chin treatment in Houston, TX

Double Chin


Saggy Jowels


Love Handles


Bra Fat


Back Fat


Double Chin | Saggy Jowels | Love Handles | Bra Fat | Back Fat |

Eliminate A Double Chin & More!

Ready to say BYE to that double chin, forever? Meet Kybella™, the first and only FDA-approved injectable to improve the look of submental fullness beneath the chin. It permanently destroys fat cells, providing life-long, noticeable results.


  • Kybella is made from deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring chemical in the body, that helps absorb fat cells. When injected directly into the fatty tissue under the chin, Kybella targets and destroys individual fat cells restoring a youthful, sculpted chin - plus other off label uses.

  • Forever! Kybella permanently dissolves fat. Most patients notice visible results 3-4 weeks after the injection as their fat melts away.

  • Depending on the amount of fat in the treated area, the average patient needs 1-3 treatments each spaced one month apart.

  • Kybella does not require downtime, but some patients experience serious swelling of the treated area for 1-3 days. Some patients may feel a slight burning sensation for a few days too as Kybella works to dissolve fat cells.

    We recommend avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and salty foods the day of and after your treatment since they may increase or prolong swelling. Also, icing the area helps to reduce the swelling.

Are you insecure about a double chin, sagging jowls, or stubborn abdomen fat? The Lush RX team is here to educate you about the Kybella™ treatment that can help you eliminate submental fat for good! Over a consultation, we will talk about your aesthetic goals and decide if Kybella® is the right treatment for you. Please provide your contact information and someone will reach out shortly.

Is Kybella right for me?